About Teamfex
We are an innovative, reliable, and highly qualified Law Firm that can help you.
Teamfex Lawyers
Experienced, reliable, and highly qualified team
Teamfex Lawyers represents clients with interests in very diverse areas, such as: Constitutional, Administrative, Litigation and Arbitration, Banking, Project Financing, Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital Markets, International Trade, Tax Law, Real Estate Development, among others.
Teamfex Lawyers has always stood out for the high legal and ethical standards with which it provides legal services in the areas described.
Experience, reliability, excellence and leadership are the principles that guide Teamfex Lawyers, within a framework of ethical rigor and social responsibility with its people and with the environment in which it operates.
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Practice Areas
Dispute Resolution
Teamfex Dispute Resolution practice specializes in complex commercial litigation both before ordinary courts and Arbitration Centers (national and international arbitration).
Our firm has an especially outstanding practice in dispute resolution, national and international arbitration. We have participated in numerous ad-hoc cases and under the rules of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CAM).
Our arbitration practice concentrates especially in civil, commercial, corporate, construction, financial services, regulatory and tax matters.
Our arbitration and litigation team interacts regularly with the other areas of the Law Firm, advising our clients in the stages prior to a dispute, negotiations, developing strategies to avoid controversies, preparing claims and eventual defenses, and analyzing alternative mechanisms for dispute resolution.
Our tax team is well known for providing quality advice. Local and foreign clients contact us frequently to find innovative solutions to their requirements and / or needs. In this sense, we assist our clients in structuring their businesses efficiently from the tax point of view, in accordance with the applicable regulatory framework.
Our practice also has a solid background in corporate Law and litigation, which allows us to provide clients with a complete service that includes not only legal advice from a tax perspective, but also in mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, project financing, and in the growing number of tax lawsuits before the recently created tax courts.
Banking & Finance Law
Our banking and finance team is known for designing and structuring sophisticated and innovative financial products and banking transactions. We have experienced lawyers for this.
Our services include advising and advising creditors, debtors, financiers and agents in the development and implementation of all kinds of banking and financial transactions, both locally and multinationally.
Our practice also covers a wide range of matters related to banking regulation, insolvency and restructuring, and the constitution, merger and registration in Chile of domestic and international banking and financial institutions
Corporate Law
Our firm provides advice on all corporate aspects, satisfying daily needs and also participating in sophisticated transactions and mergers and acquisitions up to due diligence, structuring and negotiation until the drafting and perfection of the most complex acquisition contracts, including transactions of shares and assets. international mergers, joint venture agreements, takeovers and exchange offers of listed companies.
In this type of transaction, we have represented sellers, buyers, majority and minority shareholders, the acquired company, both open and closed, and financiers in a wide variety of operations, including mergers, divisions, trade associations, public and private offerings of acquisition of shares, corporate reorganizations and other types of restructuring.
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law has acquired increasing relevance in the actions of natural persons and collective entities, to the extent that its direct application to substantive relationships has been recognized, and effective mechanisms for the protection of constitutional guarantees have been established, such as the case with the resources of protection and economic protection.
On the other hand, after the amendment to the Political Constitution of the Republic in 2005, the work of the Constitutional Court in the declaration of inapplicability due to unconstitutionality of legal precepts and the declaration of unconstitutionality with general effects, has transformed its work into a complement fundamental for the defense of people’s interests. In this understanding, our firm provides services to its clients in various matters of constitutional Law, including before ordinary courts of justice and the Constitutional Court.
In this regard, we have reputed exponents, among which are former members of the Constitutional Court and active collaborators in relevant instances related to constitutional matters.
International Trade
Openness to international trade and foreign investment have become a main brand of the Chilean economy for the last three decades, building a network of bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements, and making Chile on many occasions the gateway to the region for international companies.
We have vast experience in customs regulation and tariffs, as well as in relation to imports and exports.
Administrative Law
We prepare presentations, requests and writings in public tenders, concessions and other administrative procedures, including public-private partnership projects, accompanying our clients through all the steps of each process. Our public Law team is also specially prepared to assist clients in acquiring, leasing, and obtaining rights to use, exploit, and occupy property for tax purposes and for public use.
Our public Law team has the experience and knowledge to assist clients in the framework of investigations and administrative summaries, and defend them against the imposition of fines and other sanctions, both in administrative and judicial headquarters, working in close contact with our team of litigation.
Business Orientation
In teamfex, we are dedicated to provide a solid, reliable and comprehensive legal advice.
Thus, we address our client’s legal issues, with a business oriented advice, both economic & strategic oriented, combining enterprenurial & legal knowledge.
In our team, corporate and financial experience is integrated with the legal knowledge acquired and developed through a solid professional career.
We have high-level consultants in matters such as corporate governance, business restructuring and m&a, which allows us to fully understand our clients issues providing them a comprehensive advice.